Kate MacCord
History and Philosophy of Science
As a part of the McDonnell initiative at the MBL, we are collaborating with historians and philosophers of science to have better insight and historical context on biological questions. One of the working groups focuses on germline regeneration and is lead by Kate MacCord and B. Duygu Özpolat. Kate and Duygu also work with Beatrice Steinert on history of cell lineage and embryology in Spiralians.
You can find out more about the initiative and working groups here.
Graphic art from Jordi Solana
Single Cell Transcriptomics
For understanding cell fate trajectories, and the molecular pathways involved in regeneration, we collaborate with Jordi Solana from Oxford Brooks University on single cell transcriptome experiments.
Worms on the Edge (WEDGE)
Worms on the EDGE
We are collaborating with Alexa Bely (UMD) and Elaine Seaver (Whitney Labs) on developing post-embryonic tools for large molecule delivery into cells. This project is funded by NSF-EDGE. You can find out more about the project here.