David Remsen

I heard the news of losing Dave on Wednesday night. Since then, most of my awake hours have been filled with thinking of him, Dana, and his family. Dave was my colleague and friend. He was the director of Marine Resources Center (MRC) at the MBL. Being here in St. Louis, so far from everybody else who know and love Dave, it has been difficult to grieve his unexpected death. So, I decided to write about him.

Dave was one of the best humans you could meet. My office at the MBL was in the same building as Dave’s, and I saw him quite often. It was always a delight to run into him and have a quick chat. He was so knowledgable, kind, caring, supportive. An example human being in every sense I could tell. He set the tone with his personality at the MRC. His staff is just like him: they always go out of their way to help, even though they are often stretched thin with so many people and animals they are helping and taking care of throughout the day.

I would often see Dave with a bunch of visitors, him telling them about MRC, MBL’s mission, the beloved animals, the building’s history. Always with excitement. You could bask in his positivity, knowledge, and kindness.

Most people probably never noticed, but I have had Dave’s face on my powerpoint slides that I use for public science education since 2017. Him and Louie Kerr. During these public outreach talks, I tell the story of how, as a little girl, I dreamed of becoming an explorer like Jacques Cousteau.

I follow up saying that, even though I thought I was going to be in deep oceans in a submersible, or out in the jungles, instead I became a lab biologist. But I still feel like that explorer, I feel like with all the resources available to me, and especially thanks to the experts helping me make my scientific dreams get realized, I get to explore the tiny “planets” that are embryos and organisms.

This is the next slide I show, where I have Dave and Louie photoshopped on that image above:

Here is a close-up:

Because how can you achieve anything without the amazing people like Dave (and Louie)? Him and his team were essential in establishing my animal cultures at the MBL, all the while they made it a joy to be an inhabitant of the MRC. (Except, damn that building’s climate control, but that is nobody’s fault.)

I don’t know how to imagine that building without Dave, I don’t know how to process this.

I trusted Dave’s opinion so much that, anytime I needed to hire a new Research Assistant, first I would go to him and ask if he had any great volunteers or summer workers he may recommend. That is how I had the luck and pleasure to work with some great people at my lab. He just knew how good people looked like, because he was one of the greatest of people.

Dave, my friend, you left a big void that will never be filled. I know I will miss seeing you anytime I visit MBL.

Help us train our robot

Ryan Null has been working to create an AI model that can count segment numbers instantly in Platynereis. We would like to crowdsource the training data and if you like, you can help us. Go here and annotate some images!

Goodbye Jamie!

Jamie was a research assistant while we were still in Woods Hole, helped move the lab to St. Louis and spent the summer with us there. She is back at the MBL. We will miss her very much (worms will miss her even more so!).

Goodbye Emma!

Emma is moving onto a new adventure to work on cephalopods at the Albertin Lab at the MBL. Emma, you will be sorely missed, your work and tools you have developed will be used at the lab years to come! We are excited for you!

Welcome Faith Stemmler

Faith Stemmler joined the lab as our new lab manager. Faith is a native St. Louisan, she studied plankton in the past when she lived in Alaska, and brings a ton of aquaculture knowledge to the lab. Welcome Faith!

Embryology 2022 at MBL

Özpolat Lab ran the Annelid module at the Embryology Course 2022. We had a great time with the students, and ended up experiencing one of the best worm hunts ever!

Photo by Jana Sipkova

We are in St. Louis!

Our lab has arrived in St. Louis, with Emma back in Woods Hole keeping our animals alive until they get sent. We are so excited to be here and can’t wait to welcome new students, and team members to the lab.

Labımızda doktora yapmayı düşünen öğrenciler için bilgiler

Merhaba bilimin pırıl pırıl yeni nesilleri,

Sizlerden zaman zaman benimle doktora öğrencisi olarak çalışma konusunda e-postalar alıyorum. Tekrar tekrar aynı şeyleri yazmamak adına buraya birkaç not düşmek istedim.

Şu anda çalıştığım yerde (Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole), PhD programımız yok ve bu yüzden öğrenci kabul edemiyorum. Fakat Nisan 2022'den itibaren yeni bir üniversiteye taşınıyoruz (Washington University in St Louis). https://goo.gl/maps/RguBCDVq6GrUUtzz8

Yeni üniversitenin PhD programı var (yaşasın!). Bununla birlikte ben direk olarak seçtiğim öğrencileri alamıyorum. Doktora programına sizin başvurmanız ve kabul edilmeniz gerekiyor. Bu sürece benim hiçbir etkim olamıyor. Programa kabul edildikten sonra her öğrenci rotasyon yapıyor: Programın dahilinde listedeki laboratuvarlardan 3 tanesini seçiyorsunuz (bu noktada benim labımı da seçmek veya seçmemek tamamen size bağlı). Seçtiğiniz bu 3 labda 3-4 ay süren rotasyonlardan sonra, hangisini isterseniz (tabi o lab da sizi isterse) orada doktora tezine başlıyorsunuz. Yani bir çeşit deneme süreci. Herkes için çok faydalı bir şey.

WashU’nun birkaç farklı doktora programı var, biz bu programlardan 2-3 tanesi ile çalışacağız (Nisan’dan sonra belli olacak). Şu sayfadan takip edebilirsiniz.

Hepinize başarılar

Bria is giving a talk at NeMOC-OSS

Bria is giving a talk as a part of NeMOC-OSS series about optimizing Hybridization Chain Reaction on Nov 1st at noon.

If you are interested in joining these online seminar series, see the info below:

From David Stern: Join the New Model Organism Occasional Seminar Series (NeMOC-OSS). Informal virtual talks on successes and struggles in building tools. Register here.

Welcome Ranny Passos Ribeiro

Rannyele (Ranny) has joined us as a post-doctoral researcher, and will be working on establishing single cell sequencing techniques to investigate germline cell regeneration in Platynereis. Ranny is a Brazilian scientist passionate about annelids and she received her PhD from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, where she worked on regeneration in syllid annelids.

Welcome Ranny!


Welcome Jamie MacKinnon

Jamie MacKinnon joined the lab as a research assistant, and will be working on optimizing growth in Platynereis dumerilii cultures. Jamie has received her B.S. in Marine Biology from Roger Williams University.. Welcome Jamie!

(PS: Beets, bears, Battlestar Galactica)

Embryology Course 2021

Bria, Emma, and Duygu taught at the Embryology Course at the MBL this year. We thank all the students for their amazing work, great (and slightly crazy) ideas, and excitement around our lil worms!

Here are some pictures of the dapi and phalloidin stain on a worm we collected in Woods Hole by Mike and Marlen. (We called her Scary Lady, she is a Glyceridae species). Here are her pictures before fixing.


Bria is presenting a poster at the SDB Meeting

Bria will present a poster at the 80th SDB Meeting (virtual this year). Come check out her poster!

Program Abstract #390 and Remo Table #C11
Poster Session 3C
Session Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Presentation Time: 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM EDT
Location: Remo Building C


Welcome Rebecca Bachtel

We are happy to welcome Rebecca Bachtel, who joined the lab this summer as a research assistant. Rebecca has a master’s degree and studied invasive snails and their trematode parasites, which affect different bird species that ingest the snails. Rebecca will work on establishing transgenic lines of Platynereis at our lab.